Sad Morning
I woke up this morning as my clock alarm was set at 6AM. It took me a few seconds to figure out that I am back to Kuwait. That was really weird because I didnt feel good about it.
Left my house at 7AM and like 10 meters ahead this bird wanted to do suiside in front of my car. Damn I saved the birds life after pressing the brakes so hard. Uff I knew that wasnt a good start !! I could feel something was about to come...
Half an hour later I receive a message from my very close friend 'My mom just died'. I was shocked. Um Abdullah Allah yer7ama passed away today. May her soul rest in peace.
Oh and I am sorry for your loss... alla yer7mha
and I am sorry for your frined's mum,, allah Yir7amha ..
3ady it had been long journey!
o 3atham allah ajrkom... Allah yer7amha
that sucks though, people should stop dying :'(
allah yir7amha
welcome back.
i told u those birds have bad navigation systems!
allah yer7amha enshalah eb ra7meta el was3a ..
o about the bird`s suicide khobre el g6awa 3endhom mawsem ente7ar yege6on nfs'hom 3la el seyayeer mo el bird .. ella chan bird 7aseb nafsa ga6wa ??
allah yer7mhaa...
inshala bokra a7la