Are you smarter than me?

This picture was taken near one of the areas near Kashmir where they have these different animal shows doing different tricks to amuse people


Anonymous said…
Cool man ! he looks smarter than some of the 'shock hair dudes' i see .... And Handsome too ! lol !
Shwaish said…
hmmm i dnt like monkeys, not the real ones hehe i like the toy ones oo chithi hehe
Ammaro said…
the next big rapper?
Ra7aLaH said…
il ga3da mo 9ej ;p
Amethyst said…
That doesn't look like me.
Desert-Roses said…
hi...throught to pass by and say hi!!

btw el monkel is so inspiring ...
Navy Girl said…
weeee3 :D he looks funny !

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