Embarrassing Evening...!...

Yesterday was one crazy evening. Me and BIL (Bro In Law) decided to go Johnny Rockets in Salmiya next to Fanar Mall for dinner. After dinner he went to finish his business in the toilet. And guess what's next??

He entered the wrong toilet. Eww Ww ww I kept calling him and he wasn't answering his cell phone to tell him bro I am leaving you finish and I am waiting outside :D

Dammit he took 5 minutes in the toilet and there was a line of few females waiting outside to go in!! !! !! Finally he decides to come out and all the females are staring at him and he is staring back at them to show hey I am the man. He comes and asks me 'Did you see the way these girls stare these days?' and I was embarrassed and laughing; then he says 'Did that girl enter in a wrong toilet?' and then I was like you entered in the wrong toilet bro loooooooool. The worse part is that we were sitting right next to the toilets. He gets up to check it again (dumb) and the girls start laughing again...We paid and left the same time leaving all that we had on the table. I walked out and I couldn't stop laughing till I reached home. Poor BIL was so embarrassed that he was in a state of shock and quite all the way :D

Don't worry BIL I wont tell my sis about your sex change. Let her come back from vacation and discover the secrets :PpP


Mariposa said…
Hahaha! This is hilarious! Was the signage not so visible? Confusing? I've been to a restaurant before which CR's sign were labeled by a drawing of sex organs rather than the common male/female signs...
Navy Girl said…
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh happened to me once @@ was red like hell wanted to dieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee !! :D
Grey said…
Ah ! Euil You ! it happens ! Poor BIL .
Anonymous said…
mariposa: it was clear.he just didnt notice!

navy girl: good you are still alive :D

grey: hehe poor BIL
Mirror Polisher said…
hahahaha...but i always wondered how can people go to the wrong bathroom, don't u guys have urinals in yours? So wouldn't the different interior design give it away? :D
Shayouma said…
haha Poor guy!
that reminds me of the time I had to use guys' toilet one time to change my boys diaper lol.. I didn't want to use it but the restaurant lady told me to go there because well there was no space in the women's one. I just stared at the floor and my kids all the time while men came in and out looooool!!!
Anonymous said…
mirror: attracktion to opposite sex :D

shosho: ahh thats a nice excuse :P
Ammaro said…
oh looooooooooool... magdar magdar :p the best part is his confidence talkin about how girls were staring at him looooooooooooooooooooooooooooool

excellent *applause*

you shoulda videod it man! youtube!
Enigma said…
looooooooooooool ambaaaihh fashlaaa!!! He'll probably never go back to that place again!
Anonymous said…
ammaro: At that time I just wanted to runaway :P

enigma: Yes I am sure about that,hehe
powder said…
LOOL same thing happened to my cousin , she went to a male's restroom :P and there u go , she sees guys in the bathroom staring at her with weird expressions on theire faces LOL , ashwa inaa kan feeh guys da5el , lo mafeh chan hahaa ydesh 3aleha a7ad tro7 feha :P
FourMe said…
Ohhh poor guy hahah ... you're so mean for laughing at him :p
eshda3wa said…
3adi he shouldnt have been embarrassed!
Anonymous said…
akhaaaaih 7raaam la t6afraaah ;s loool mskeen efteshaal
Anonymous said…
powder: this was worse!!

lala: :D

fourme: *evil look* :P

eshda3wa: I was more than him :D

zi-one: sij mskeen :p
bb q8 said…
lol that's funny man! you should have taken a picture! :)
Haha been there done that:p
I went into the guy's bathroom @ Sliders, and walked out to find a guy eb wayhi.. I made him think he was mistaken, o he went into the girls bathroom lol :p
Anonymous said…
bb q8: I didn't have that much time :P

badrah: looool
Z. said…
it happened to me in the airport :s, and i only found out because some guy in the bathroom was scartiching his head and pointing to the door :S. wasnt cool at all, thank god i didnt have to share a flight with him.
Anonymous said…
Off topic - your poll. What if we own THREE macs???
Anonymous said…
intlxpatr: you can open an internet cafe then :p and start promoting them :D - btw sorry but I hate macs @@
hahahahaha oh my gosh, this was hilarious! I wish you took a picture of his face but you were laughing to hard yourself! love this story!

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