Embarrasing Moment
I take my car for the weekly washing and cleaning at this service station in Kuwait City. They have a nice sitting place you can call it a mini Deewaniya where I have hardly seen any men before. But yesterday it was busy than usual even though I have been there previously on weekends.
As I enter I greet everyone with the usual loud tone and find my self a place to sit. I try to mix in people but they are talking about Khadamas, Bengali cleaners and politics which is not my favorite subject at all.
So I am lost in my thoughts and staring at some TV program on MBC. A few minutes later an old man facing me asks me 'WHAT IS SO SPECIAL IN THIS TV SERIAL NOOR?' I am like are you talking to me. He says 'yes you are one who is staring at this Mohannad not me'. They all started laughing and my face was all red. I told him 'I am sorry but I didnt even knew that this is the TV serial that everyone is watching'. The old man replies back 'It's ok son admit it that you like it we will just add you with the others'. My face was all red and I didnt have words to say.
I have never watched this show or any TV serials. So today I decided to search on google who is Mohannad and Noor. I am still confused!!!!! The pic below is of the two faces that I was lost and staring at yesterday. But the pic up says Noor on it so I am considering they might be the two of them.
The one below is from the show called "سنوات الضياع"
Big Pearls: loooool people are for some reason crazy about these series :D
اللي فوق من مسلسل نور.. واللي بالصورة مهند ونور
واللي تحت من مسلسل سنوات الضياع، يحيى والبنت اسمها اعتقد لميس؟
ما اتابعهم، بس اخوي الصغير يتابعهم ;Pp~~
P.S. I'm loving the song <3
amu is Noor's Addict :P
ee wallah admit it, why do u lie 3al rayal ;p