Wind ... Dust ... Rain and Hails - Storm

I was in Kuwait city getting my car washed at 5pm after which I decided to head to my office near embarkiya to pick some papers. I looked at the sky and I could see the black clouds coming but as it was kinda windy I didn't expect it to rain.

All of a sudden 5 minutes before 9alat elmagrib strong winds started with dust blowing around with heavy rain and hail stones. The wind was so bad that the goods from some shops flew far away and one of the shops is embarkeya which sells Quran was flooded as the water started coming from the roof. A few people I know had heavy loss of goods. Witnessing the whole scene was so scary that I felt the next thing will be a wave of water coming.

On my way back I took the gulf road. The part near the Ameri Hospital is heavily flooded and police/ambulances are nearly at every corner. Most of the trees and advertisement boards have fallen down.

All this loss in 10 minutes!!! That was a really scary hurricane. I hope there are not too many casualties.


Anonymous said…
YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES IS WAS SCARY !!! i was in kaifan at this time .. and the weather !! my God i couldnt see 1meter infron of me !!

5min before all this started i saw 2 little girls and their made walking in the street !! my mom asked me to pull over and we told them to get in so we give them a ride! . 2min the creapy whether started !! .. walla allah 7afath'hom! .. the problem ena the maid mo dala el beet !! madre shlon kanat mashya eb nes eshare3 with 2 little girls and a bike !!

wala it was creapy! .. ghbaar! 3awasef .. then faj'a bredi !! and rain !! .. el bredi chena falling stones !! wala i thought el sayara be9eer feha shay ;/

Allah il7afeth!
Anonymous said…
It was a bad one :/

how can parents let their kids out with a maid when she doesnt know her way back?
Anonymous said…
mo hathe el moshkila !! .. elmoshkla ena 6aal3 beet'hom fe man6aqa thanya!! .. their daddyleft them bel 7adeeqa o he went to the gym! .. by the time he noticed the weather i guess it was late!

bs stil madre shlon ekhalon e3yalhom with the maid alone! .. i dont recalll when i was a kidd kena ne6la3 ma3a el maid alone! ;/

God knows what could happen to them if we didnt pass by

bs 7araam the parents did freak out! but still they shouldnt let the kids go alone with the maid fe mana6qa mat3aref 3anha shay!
Anonymous said…
that is really sad!! I guess too many kids or carelessness!! My mom never liked the idea of having maid at home....
Anonymous said…
not having a maid at home sa3ba! .. i have a friend her mom she don like maids . bs 3endohom sebee ( a guy made!) he cleans the house and everything! .. i never really get the point shelfarg!

i think maids should have limited responsibilities .. and not involving the kids!!
Big Pearls said…
It's so weird how our buildings and facilities can't handle a storm that lasted 15 min
Ansam said…
Our garage door broke down right in the middle!
Anonymous said…
savage garden ! ;**

lol tawni asma3ha .. wala ur choice of songs .. NICE ! :)

e7a eshyaraat yeerana 6a7at ! . ashwa ena ma6a7at 3al aa7d ;/
FourMe said…
Thank the lord I'm not in Kuwait yet, storms freak me out!
Amethyst said…
This kind of weather scares me;\
Missy said…
esm3 the song i was begging u to put, eb my blog ! ;p
Anonymous said…
I was inside avenues .. panic !!! Bad times are here !
OutOfReach said…
mm it was scary , i was in marina mall my mom called me she asked to stay there until the rain stopped ,, ambee shay 3jeeb sudden changes , we have four seasons in one day :S
shoosha said…
it was SCARY kanat tabey it6eer fena il sayara! LITERALLY!
Anonymous said…
Environmentalists say, SAVE THE NATURE.

I say, "Save yourselves, because nature is going to survive after you have messed it up, however, you wont survive"

Damn! it all ends up some fat arse idiots make money at the expense of our future generations quality of life and also endanger their lives and ours.

And we cannot do anything about it.

I heard there would be a pollution free city between Dubai and Abu Dhabi.

~ Soul
Shayouma said…
Waw sounds really scary!
Anonymous said…
Had a flashback. that was one storm to remember..

Thank God for blogs ... they have stored memories

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