Coffee with Amu!

It started with one lady and one man and then a few others copied so why should I be left back. I have been thinking to write 100 mees but I am too lazy to write so maybe this is a good time to know me more.

So lets have coffee together even though I have never had warm drinks but I can sit and enjoy you guys drinking it and answer your questions. Feel free to poke me and ask me whatever makes you feel good except my name and house address. I know that some of you know me out in the real world but I still prefer to be Anonymous on some of the things.

so 1 .... 2....... 3......... roooooooo7!


Shayouma said…
hey did you get Karan Johar's permission before using his show title :P??

Madri what to ask I don't like to be malgoofa.. I will come back when I have a question..
Shayouma said…
Remember back when your mum said she found a girl she liked and you went off to see her.. What happened? Ok Maybe that's legafa sorry..
Anonymous said…
What's your star sign.. i've been asking this question to anyone... and everyone... :)
Anonymous said…

who do u miss the most? (hint hnit)*

Anonymous said…

Can i have juice instead? I don't drink hot stuff and and and I'm already all hyper- you don't want me bouncing off the walls with coffee :D

Alrighty... questions!
1. What is the one thing you would do to change the world?
2. What's your most embarrassing moment?
3. Ever farted and been heard in public?
4. How many kids do you want? What do you want to name em?

I'll ask a few more later :D

G said…
okay okay...remember when u said you speak for languages?! what's the fourth?
Ra-1 said…
1- The best compliment you have ever received?
2- Which day would you love to live again?
3- What would you like to change about yourself?
Ms. D said…
where do u like to hide when u feel down?

bb q8 said…
i'll have coffee, and make it HOT!
what makes you, YOU?
Anonymous said…
name and address chnek tadry shno basa'al =P
Anonymous said…
What do you drive?

Do you dress traditionally? Western?

What kind of family activities does your family do for fun?

Name five things you like about your Mother.
Big Pearls said…
the worst moment in ur life?
Anonymous said…
all these questions and no answers yet??

My question...

When r u MOVING?
Anonymous said…
What made you start this blog?
And why are you so lonely...?
Navy Girl said…
dudeeeeeee whats with this " ask me anything " trend ?? :D
Hasan.B said…
Why do you like corvette?:S
Amethyst said…
I can't think of a question;\
FourMe said…
Why haven't you contacted your ex yet?
Anonymous said…
guys the answers will be posted tomorrow in a new post...

greyshorts: come with something new please :P

Amethyst: I have never got anything more than '':/'' from you on most of my posts !!!

navy: you are tagged :PpP
Anonymous said…
are you a kuwaiti ? ;p
Anonymous said…
If you can go back in time and set one world event and one personal event right... what would it be ?
who was the anonymous that loved you?
Anonymous said…
lesh t76 a'3aneee dathrah?..chna ga3den b lobby b ma9r ;p
Shoush said…
Ok, my turn. Hmmmmm. Wat was ur most recent 'black' lie? Moo chithba baitha. SODA!
Anonymous said…
ur favourite motorcycle plz, and why don't u drink warm drinks?
Navy Girl said…
shenooooooooooo y3ny i'm tagged b3d again ?????? i didnt do the first one yet !

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