Running Away...

Hassan B disappeared, Big Pearls went for a second honeymoon without telling us (I am guessing), Shosho ran away and Fourme followed her. Who's next??

I hate people going...I just hate it ! ! ! Come back all you fellow bloggers...

So work is fucking boring (excuse my Russian) ...I feel I am getting paid for doing nothing. This is not me. I left my job at Kuwait University just so I could work at a place where at the end of the day I feel I accomplished something. Well its getting worse. I wish they could kick me out because I am getting lazy day by day with no work!!

I have been eating from diet center at my work for the past 20 days and I gained a KG more cuz on the weekends I eat like a cow :/ not working...

Last night I was thinking how happy I am these days. El7emdella I am really happy in life at the moment. I just hope I feel the same way for long as happiness doesn't like me for too long.


Anonymous said…
inshalla doom happy :)
Anonymous said…
haw laish ya7feth it doesnt like you for soo long .. la enshallah she likes you wayed ;p

bs il7emdellah that u're happy now :) .. thats what we all ask for .. happiness (:

o mare shino salfat el ekhtefa'a ;/ it really suck
Amethyst said…
I agree! They should come back!

May you always be happy:)
Deema said…
so we're even i feel i'm working so hard without getting paid :P

i think .. well i agree with mako a77ad, halayyam.. hal7azza kilmin busy..

winshalla dom happy.. and aim for it to stay :)
Anonymous said…
don't worry I'm not going anywhere enshala
Anonymous said…
Zamahreer: ajma3een enshallah :)

Anon: thanks :)

Amethyst: I hope too :/

deema: hehe yes we are EvEn w thanks :)

greyshorts: you better not!
Mirror Polisher said…
1. I'm sure they will be back in no time :D

2. Hey that's what I went through as well.

3. I used to go for long walks during working hours so i wouldn't gain weight :P

4. Happiness doesn't come to people, you have to seek it. As long as YOU WANT to be happy, YOU WILL be happy. :D
eshda3wa said…
man bloggers are needy people!
Anonymous said…
im still here Amu ... but planning a small break ... havinga blogburn....
Ansam said…
LOL @ Eshda3wa's comment
And I am glad you are happy
3asa doooom
Whatever said…
Ah I'm like you when I go to work and I don't do much I feel so useless..
It's great if work could make you lose weight and gain money,, that's my favorite loss and gain combination =p
Ms. D said…
no work haa? i suggest u work with us.. seriously if u need any information u need inform me and ill email u all u need

3ad amu and Ms. D same place.. min oma besholon blogger ;p
Anonymous said…
Enshalla always happy...

And I know they keep dissapearing... I don't like that :(
Arabian lady said…
i am new, i just know Big Pearls bss enshalla yirji3on yimee3 :)

if you feel that way at work then have a small business of your own to make you feel that you accomplished something or try to break the routine at work , do something different :)

last week was a my worst week in my life , thats why sometimes i didn't have time to eat dinner therefore i lost 3 KG'S ! I NEED TO GAIN THEM BECAUSE I NEED THEM BACK ;\

enshalla you always happy (",) alhamdolila.
Missy said…
wallah mayn3rf lekom ya people! etha mafi sh3'l u nag about not having anything to do. o etha fee sh3'l u nag about how working is killing you!
kella met2a5er said…
Amu..for the second time Im gonna say it, Im gonna stop blogging ba3ad xD

Dude, eshfeek...ya m3awwad, hawenha, I was like you, feeling like Im not doing anything in dawam, pointless, its like Im taking money for sitting on my ass!!

But now, I can see the filled half of the cup, the goverment paying me so I can smuggle to do my paper work around in kuwait, and for putting up with all the stupid questions from the nurses and the patients..specially the women and thier weird questions about the use of the medicine on the sensitive areas of their bodies!! disgusting..just because Im wearing a lab coat doesn`t mean that you can be all open with your body issues!!!!!

Agool, be happy with your job dude =)
Anonymous said…
missy: yeah we nag women do the same too...

Kella me2a5er: no you wont go :D btw are you a dr? what do you specialize in?
Missy said…
That's why I said 'people' ;)
kella met2a5er said…
Im a pharmacist..I told you before, eshfeek nesait!?? =)
This Lady said…
I agree about ppl leaving.. I hate it when that happens!
Anonymous said…
When people leave, the people who remain should initiate interesting conversations than whining about those who left.

For eg. talk about ethical limitations of being a liar !!

~ Soul
Shayouma said…
Thanks Amu.. i am back dont worry..
Big Pearls said…
How sweet:)))
Amu..I am back:D

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