
Today I visited Sultan Center as mom wanted to pick up a few things from there. While paying at the cashier I just looked at the side rack with all the international newspapers there. I felt really good that people in Kuwait can read all the news papers even if they are away from home.

But something caught my attention. I was shocked to see the price. The international newspapers start from KD1.500 - KD8. The most expensive one is The New York times weekly which is for KD 8.

Then I started thinking do people pay that much for a newspaper? Would I pay that much for a newspaper? NO!!!!

Would you pay KD4 for a Kuwaiti newspaper if you were in England or Australia?


Enigma said…
oollaaa!!! who pays this much for them, i wonder? i'm sure they are bought otherwise they wouldn't bring them..
Anonymous said…
dont people here have money to burn?
Anonymous said…
When i came to fashion business i used to wonder who would buy a 5KD tshirt , later i realized that people pay 100KD for a tshirt just because its a brand.... I dont think TSC will sell newspapers for KD 8 if it didnt have buyers...
Anonymous said…
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kella met2a5er said…
Mako she`3il!!?

And no, we "kuwaities" have money to spend..NOT TO BURN!!
Ansam said…
Are you sure KD8? There is always the online version!
Anonymous said…

8 KD !! eshda3wa !!

I prefer reading them online !
Anonymous said…
esgda3wa !!!

Anonymous said…
eshda3wa !!!

Missy said…
I'd rather read the damn newspaper online! lol
shoosha said…
bas u said its the new york times weekly, ya3ni a kd a day taqreeban it really makes sense... and btw in london i think they sell Al-Watan ib 1.50 pounds o we still buy it cause well u know u wanna get closer to home
Arabian lady said…
Akeed i wouldn't cuz i don't read newspapers ;p
but my father will
Ms. D said…
online newspapers mean nuthin to u ppl?
Navy Girl said…
wala i wouldnt pay a penny lol :D
Slai7e6 said…
hell no i would simply log on to their web site
Slai7e6 said…
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OutOfReach said…
i wouldnt pay 8 kd for a news paper but i pay that much for some magazines and books :S they are expensive here:/
Amethyst said…
I read the news on the internet, but I would pay more than 4 or 8KD for a book;p
Coconut said…
NO i wouldnt pay that much.. read them off the net as amethyst said.
Unknown said…
:O *faints* shd3waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!
The New York times weekly seems fair its not daily!
plus it have a web cite 7alla 7al ay newspaper..

news is info=time fa why not it worth it!
Mirror Polisher said…
*quits her current job and decids to go into the newspaper and magazine import industry*
Whatever said…
Outrageous! But I might buy one expensive newspaper every 6 months =p
Shayouma said…
Mako salfa.. i dont read newspapers..
Anonymous said…
Demand and Supply can be manipulated.

Oh i see newspapers are victims now.

Whether anyone buys it or not is upto their personal choice.
How the selling works is upto the sellers choice.

Get a life. Its an economic fact.

~ Soul

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