
This is for all of you who are smoking fags... sheesha..or whatever!!!

I guess the picture says it all...You know what is the end for you now!!

Nothing is impossible I am sure you can still do it...and please don't give yourself or others these lame excuses that it relieves stress or makes you feel better...I guess its just all in your mind...Once you take these thoughts out of your mind you can do it...


Anonymous said…
If smoking doesn't kill you then a stuod driver will or a car accident or some natural disaster or doom's day! Which is soon :P

god forbid ya3ny
shoosha said…
alaah i love the pic
Anonymous said…
Ahhh ! good old days of chain smoking ! miss them !its been 5 years now !
We're dead anyway :P
but it's all about well power, if you Choose to stop and want to, you'll sure sucssed :D
bb q8 said…
everybody dies... heart attacks, road accidents, wars, starvation, who knows? i'm not using those "stress" excuses, i'm just enjoying it! btw, did you know it's the hardest habbit to kick? i've tried to quit a lot of times for the sake of others, but it's too damn difficult! and whatever made you come up with this topic??
I hate smokers !
Nice post amu :)
Anonymous said…
chika: then in that case even u might not wake up once you sleep...but when u smoke u are killing your self with your own hands :)

shoosha: thanks

grey: you are an example for all these people that if there is an aim nothing is possible :)

noufa: I agree its all about will power...

bb_q8: no its not..I dont agree on that with you.. :?

glamorous: thanks :)
Anonymous said…
I have a client at the age of over 65 been through cancer, chemo and radio therapy… she still smokes, looks amazing and is pretty good shape! Now it’s not that I don’t believe smoking hurts and most smokers know that! I’m not a smoker! But I do enjoy a good cigar or a nargila (sheesha) every now and then! I have a day when I will go, but I do not believe a smoke will make it sooner!
Its just plain weakness I see in people who can't quit....I know its hard to get off of any addiction but c'mon you really need to do whatever you can to simply stop smoking coz it is a slow suicide
Navy Girl said…
i wish daddt would listen to mee oo stop smoking :(
eshda3wa said…
oh i looove the anti smoking ads!

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