Book Of Life
Time: 11:54am
My life is like a book where one chapter finishes and the other is not bringing me any better story too ... In life I have never given up on my strength but today sadly at this moment I have given up ... I wish I can be wrapped in a cloth and wish farewell to this world and leave... I have no words to write and nothing to say... I have lost hopes to live!
رحمة الله وسعت كل شيء
remember everything happens for a reason..u may realize that one day..u never know what surprises will come in ur life..just wait!
Don't lose hope..& stregthen ur faith..Be close to Allah
and cry it out...
I've had days like that in the past but you just have to write it off to experience and learn from it.
It will get better I promise.
Get out of the house, either go see some good friends and talk it through or go for a walk on the sea front and get a fresh perspective.
Big hugs and smiles
what happened you seemed ok the other day ..
I wish we could help you ...
dont lose faith things will be ok inshallah
have faith and you will survive it.
listen to this song, it always cheers me up :)
things always get better
Stay strong. I'm trying to do so as well. I keep telling myself, what won't kill me will only make me stronger, and that time passes and heals... In the end everything should be okay - that's the least of hope we can have.
“about a storm there is nothing to do, but after the house is ruined there is”
bad things happen in life, it’s part of it, but after, as long as you are still there that means that the storm didn’t destroy you and you can build again what ever that has been ruined,
we get the chance to live once, when you think about the time when god asks you what have you done with the life I’ve given you? With the health I’ve given you? With the time I have given you?
We live the day that is today without a choice but we have all the choices for us to do with it what ever we want,
within us all there is a power and a force that can change the world, if it couldn’t make it a better place for us then it can make it a better place for others and that’s even better, cheer up :’)
You were fine few days ago, what had changed that made you so desperate?
You are a strong person, Amu and you need to believe in yourself and your well-power. You can do it and you are the only person who is able to change his life, so it's up to you. You are the master of your own path, so don't get discouraged and depressed. your life insha-Allah is going to be much better in few months, maybe weeks and even hours, who knows?
Just..'Stop' and decided what do you want to do with yur life? Believe in your self, Amu because I do believe in you.
Be closer to Allah and pral alot and ask for Allah support and Ensha-Allah, think will improve
blue dress: will try..
chika: thanks...
grey: Enshallah
pinky: thanks for the hug i needed that
outofreach: sure things will be ok soon :)
noufa: thanks for the song
eshda3wa: hope they will get better soon...I want that too
dishevelled: I hope you are feeling better now...and cheer up :)
shoosha: just some ups and down but things are better now..
oryx: :)
vixen: needed that..thanks
bb_q8: me hanging till it becomes fine :)
chroma trauma: just another upsetting day..I am very close to Allah in my prayers I guess I just have to be more strong..
cheers bro ;) its eid already have fun melthle ma gelt lek 3ad :)