Meeting new friends after 5 years is different to me and exciting experience. I feel it’s a totally new experience for me. I came across a few new friends in past few weeks and out of them there are people I could trust them then and I can’t trust them now and there are people I didn’t knew and want to know them more. I realize that 2 weeks or a month is a very short time to come to an conclusion but I guess I was looking for comfort in everything that was coming my way and I was wrong. I felt most people these days care about status. Correct me if I am wrong?
Talking about status I noticed to them what’s important is what I am driving or wearing then for what I am? Is that all in life that we need to be caring about these days? To me more than status is how I live my daily life. I know I dress pretty decent and I am happy with what I am moving around with. Then WTH is wrong with them...
I am just so frustrated with back stabbing and all these other issues that I guess I am happy the way I am…People if you think that living in that particular area is better than where I am, and you fancy car and your job is better than mine because I am not working in the field in which I graduated in then who asked you to move around with me. Just say me from the first day we chatted that I am like this and you are like that *full STOP* do I really give a F*** to if you are weld el flani or bent el whatever…
So yeah, don't care about that too..
and cows rock.
seriously, it's not only in Kuwait. people care about how much you got in the bank then they care about the person, you are! it's everywhere.
and people hardly change!
and I have to admit, sometime I do care at a guy's car or a girl's designer shoes! ;/
it's a material society I'm living in, I can't help but get sucked in all that crap :s
First 3EEEEEDEK emabarak, I hope your family ow you had a special happy nice 3eeed!
now where is my 3eedeya ? ekeke JK
emm.. about ur post topic, I understand your frustration. Such people like to showoff, and act like a certain way not knowing that they are actually SICK and have naqe9/huge void to begin with.
maryam: you are right just ignore them!
I'm s over these people. It's not hard spending money, banks are everywhere and all of them are more than happy to loan any amount of money. Pathetic people who lives boring lives
This is what happened when I went complaining of some back stabbing friends I had…
My mum: But why do you hate them so much? Me: I don’t but I’m upset because they have been talking s**t about me behind my back! My mum: So if you don’t hate then, why don’t you want them to be happy? Me: I didn’t say I don’t want them to be happy! My mum: So let them be happy! If talking about you makes their life more exciting and makes them happier; why don’t you just let them talk? Me: You got a point there! Never thought of it this way!
Now when I realize a friend is not a real friend; I just smile and walk away! So smile and walk away! ;)
navy girl: :)