
This post is kinda related to the previous one... well I have felt maybe a few people got to a different direction and thought that AMU has a crush on that blogger.

Well my question is when two people meet and they feel good to be with each other, they like to be around each other's feelings, what kind of relation is that? Can that only happen when you have a crush on someone?

According to me NO NO NO... There is something beautiful about it that we are best friends till date I dunno whats coming next so wont predict till it happens and yes she is a Female blogger and yet I don't want to reveal her identity :) It's not that she has asked me not to but I just don't feel that its the right time now. And don't worry my sweet friends who are coming up with names... one day if Amu has a crush you will be the first one to know :) I share with you all my thoughts how can I miss that big event...

How about make it more interesting? That blogger is on my list so now that makes things easier for you to find out...

And today I feel like flying after listening to this song last night :)

Ps: this post is just to clear misunderstands if there were any created by me and I confused others..


Pinky said…
Glad to hear you are happy and perky however, I am going to give you the bit of advice my friend always gives me.
Make sure you take care of yourself too. Be happy, enjoy yourself and this new person but make sure they treat you with the respect you deserve and look after your heart.
Hope that didn't seem too dark and depressing. Good luck!
Reem B. said…
Well yeah you BETTER share the big event with us!! :P

But I'm kinda loving the guessing the names game... can we still play ?

Just kidding...

And yeah I guess now i know what you mean .... it's more of a friendship.... God we commenters are DRAMA QUEENS.... lol 3ala 6oool we said CRUSH. :P

Glad for ya.
Anonymous said…
Hmm... you know, I like to see people having those feelings - makes me happy :)

Yet AMU, I don't think that people should be involved - I apologize to all of you - bas you can share the feeling bas never give hints on the lady - not good for her or you.

Also, yes this is a crush bas before it evolves into anything serious, you should sense signs...
eshda3wa said…
ur keeping secrets from us AMU!
never thought id live to see this day!

bs no im happy that ur happy :)

good for u mysterious blogger for taking him out of the depression mood he was in!
Anonymous said…
I know. ;)
shoosha said…
chinna ga3ed e9eer action :P lool yalla tell us who!!
Anonymous said…
Pinky: It wasn't dark or depressing because this is what is wrong in me I always look at others happiness first! That was so lovely..I need to change my attitude towards my self and start caring about me me too :)

canc3rian: sure keep playing ? ;p

chikapappi: I will wait for those signs chika, don't have the power to give signs to anyone any more :)

eshda3wa: For you like I said in the previous post, TOO BE CONTINUED *joking* you always do that for us in the middle of those heart taking stories :)

btw thanks for the comments.

blue dress: what? :)

shoosha: Eee Action but wait for it to start before you know about it!!
Oryx said…
Yes I agree with you, there are many levels to the relationship that happens between two people, unfortunately the number one that comes in mind between a guy and a girl is crush or romance, it could be many things, friendship, partnership, reliance or simple connection of comfort and support, that doesn’t mean you’ll run and give her a kidney, it only says that there is a part in that person that you can relate to,
the most important thing that both parties be on the same page free lion, so that their won’t be any misunderstandings in the future
OutOfReach said…
i love the song :)
a5eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh ;P
Anonymous said…
Men are weird..
This Lady said…
*SOB* Its not me????
Anonymous said…
Oryx: Sooo true...

outofreach: enjoy it then!

chikapappi: laish weird? :s

the lady says: your first visit here and crying...NA NA NA.. cheer up and I declare its not you :)
Anonymous said…
am happy for u...:)
Navy Girl said…
yalla lets play :D mooo enta the riddle master ?? why dont you make it as a riddle lol unless that would piss her off LOOOL bs sounds fun hehehehe :D
M said…
LoOOl! I agree with NAVYAA! ekekek!

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