Up & Down and just woke uP

Finally I feel a bit better today after a pretty messed up week. My depression has cooled off a bit and I feel that I have learned lot from this experience. I just hope things get better in future and would pray that no one goes through this in their life...

I want to thank all my readers and friends who have really proved the saying A friend in need is a friend indeed with their lovely comments and advices.

Ramadan has been going pretty good, in fact I feel days are passing much quicker than before. I just have one meal a day which is during the fa6oor time and I guess that makes me go through the rest of the day. Its a month full of different activities and I guess the only month in the whole year where you get to meet friends you haven't seen for a year....

How is your Ramadan going? btw late but still Ramadan Kareem


Reem B. said…
Hey there!!! that's amazing... i'm happy that you're getting better and that your depression is gradually leaving you alone! el 7emdillaaa...

As to ramadan.... it is not bad... like you said time passes by quickly..
Anonymous said…
canc3rian: Its nice to see you leaving few words here :) and yes el7emdella I guess time is a healer like they say :P
Anonymous said…
ramadan kareem :) good that you started blogging normal ...
eshda3wa said…
why am i the only one that dosent like seeing people in ramadan

a7es bas ta3abt kela kissing kissing smiling kissing!
Anonymous said…
Lifes so boring with out a little depression ... lol ! You alone know the hurt inside .. but you are putting up a cool face .. thats really brave .. keep it up !
Tulipa said…
No Thanks between friends :) and its never too late to say Ramadan kareem...

o 3asa allah yetaqabbal 6a3tek enshalla :)
Navy Girl said…
glad your okay now :)

Ramadan is cool wala :)
Anonymous said…
chikapappi: thanks

eshda3wa: Me too, thats why I try to spend as many Ramadan at home as I can :s

grey: :)

wild_mare: enshallah

navy girl: cheers...
M said…
Happy Ramadan BELATED to you,
I'm so glad that you feel better el7mdallah.
It is great seeing like this =)
stay doum che..
Anonymous said…
dynamic deeds: thanks for your prayers and support..ejma3een

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