Country Cookies

I am a big fan of cookies and often I need to munch on something with a different taste after any meal. I was shopping at Giant last month when I picked up Country Cookies and they turned out to be really tasty.

I am looking for something different this time. I have been looking around to find some crunchy chocolate chip cookies. I like them to be filled with chocolate and hazelnut. I don't recall the name but I have had some really nice cookies in London. They were freshly made and really finger licking.

Do we have any nice places around here for cookies?


Anonymous said…
i love cookies !! specially hazelnut! if you ever found good ones inform me plz ;p
Journal Entries said…
i'll give that a try!
i really like chewy goowy's macadamia cookies.. they're gooooood
DG said…
Omg, yeah! The ones with hazelnuts are the best!
جربت بس نوع 2 كان زين مو وااو.

واساسا ماكليت الا وحده والباجي لاهلي ..

امي حبته فامس يبتله منه 3 انواع اللي مسوين عليهم عرض بجيان ..

خخخ قصة حياتي..

بالعافيه يارب..

انا جربت وايد تكلمت عنهم قبل هني :

بس التوب اهو مال السينما ..
Anonymous said…
Fajorie: Inshallah will do :)

Journal Entries: I will try them soon..

DG: they are indeed :)

رورو: thanks for passing by :) I will check you post now :)
Anonymous said…
i like flax seed omega 3 cookies , amaazing , its diff and not very fattening and most important its moist n soft :D
Elegant Chic said…
Cookiessss!!!!!!! Yum!!! :D

Recently had Cadbury cookies, newly launched I guess. It was naaaiiice!!! I think they have hazelnut! :)
TaZmaNiA said…
loooooks yummy :p am getting one tomorrow

thanks for sharing :)
Lipsticked Pig said…
here where exactly ? ;p hehe
I'm in DC now..and in that case, mrs fields cookies are THE BESSSSST
on the other hand, if your talking about my home town, which is riyadh..u would not be a typical riyadhy if you haven't had Anosh cookies with arabic qahwa every m'3rb..the habit just automatically comes with the saudi visa
BUTTT, if you're talking about Q8 than allahu a3lm ;p i'll step down the stage now...b'byeee

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