My Teenage Crush

My mom thinks I am crazy since I told her I like her and the way she presents herself. I dunno whats there about her that makes me like her so much. If I see her on TV I am not moving away. I listen every word she speaks out. Knowing that I am not a type of person who would ever even say a word about any actress or TV presenter that she is cool or even complement how good they act. I guess I am having a teenage crush on her :P

So here I shout out LaaaaaaaaaaaaaaauDDDD ...... Iman Najem you RocK !!!

And the good thing is when I was checking on her picture in the gallery on Al Watan TV website her picture has the most views ;) More to come ....

Picture: Source


Anonymous said…
LOL , maybe her confidence ? or the colors she wear ? makes her stand out ?
Journal Entries said…
i agree with just noon, its her confidence mshallah =)
Anonymous said…
Justnoon: maybe all of them ;)

A Journal Entry: Mashallah ..
Unknown said…
I personally dont like her taste when it comes to clothes! however, 2 days ago she was on a tv show called kenniz, and i was surprised of her sense of humor !! she made me laugh and i started to like her !
Cheating Spouse said…
Of it was her confidence but I saw her in a very different look (comic look), she impressed me.
ShoSho said…
Yes it's definately confidence.. i like her too
No3iK said…
i like that its not what typically men would have a crush on!
ex. haleema boland :/

so good for u! shes all personality and who doesnt like that :)
Anonymous said…
Moody: Thats her confidence :)

Cheating Spouse: Comic look? when was that? :)

ShoSho: Mashallah it good to see such talented people..

No3iK: Lol @ Haleema :D I never have those crushes nor into the body type men would like a woman for ;p

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