Songs Playlist...

Do you link the songs while listening to them to the person who first recommended you to listen to it? I do a lot..At times I feel its weird but its just me...

90% of the songs on my play list are from people around me who are still with me today or I have known them in past. While driving when I am listening to them I often remember that person. No matter what memories I have with these people I always recall the good ones while listening to these songs...

Is that strange? Is there anyone out there like me?


Shoug said…
I'm like that! Whenever someone tells me of a song I automatically remember them when i listen to it. It also depends if they just gave me the name of the song or I actually listened to it with them.
ya3ni mathalan etha kent bl sayara wya rfejti o 7a6a e'3neya o galatli nazleeha wayid 7lwa, and then I do and when I listen to it, I not only think of her but also where we were when we listened to the song you know?
So ya you're not the only one :p
Anonymous said…
Shoug: I am the same too I always rem where I was the first time when listening to a song :)
swera said…
yupp!!! every song in my ipod has a story and a memory of someone or an incident comes along when the song starts playing :)
DM said…
Walla, la, I do it too, if a ceratin song that I may hear; it can be linked to a certain person or ain't just you! =p
Anonymous said…
Swera: I always thought its only me with this..glad I have a few people who share the same :D

Welcome here :)

DM: Its good I am not alone :)
Anonymous said…
its the same over here, as soon as the song that was recommended or dedicated to me by a person plays, that person pops right into my head !

so no, its not strange i guess !
Anonymous said…
happens to mee al the tiiiimes , and when i listen to it on the fm i either call or text the person whom linked to that song , almost every person i know a song is linked to him or her
Anonymous said…
Anony: thanks for dropping by and I guess its with everyone :)

Just noon: I often call that person too ;)

Welcome here :)
ShoSho said…
For me alot of songs, most of them are older (86-2002 something) as I don't listen to nowadays music at all, remind me of a day or a something or the year.. it's like I get a filmstrip runny though my brain while the song is on.. sometimes it's sad though :( I miss alot of things in the past..

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