Too Late

I found this on the door handle of my car. For me this is new but I am thinking has this lady been stalking me or what? How would she know that I am guy and not a girl?


Anonymous said…
LoL i got the same card kanat ma76oo6a 3ala my car,, 7ata my friend got one :P

Zuzii ;)
Anonymous said…
Mathai said…
maybe shes a fan of your blog! :D
doona said…

i got plenty of those i must say ;P
B & D said…
lol!! WTH like!! my sister would for ur life..o_o
MacaholiQ8 said…
So did you call? :)
Anonymous said…
MacaholiQ8: no i didnt :)
Anonymous said…
It has the ladies number an name on it who ppl call if one is searching for a bride or groom ;p

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