حمد بوناشي

I was browsing through blogs when I came across this on 4thringroad. Mashallah the kid is really talented and I really enjoying watching it.

You can also watch second part of it here.


samaher said…
i don't like it :S
he should acts his age
Esperanza said…
i agree with samaher!
but what the heck he got 1 million saudi reyal and 1 million kuwaiti dinar and a rolex and a car i think and more for this act!!!!!
Journal Entries said…
bil 3aaaax i think mashallah enna he's very brave to stand infront of such a crowd and have this much confidence in himself.. smilla 3alaih..
Anonymous said…
by acting his age u mean just play around and watch tv wla shino bl thab6? bl 3ax this is a real talent oo he has so much confidence for standing in front of them all.. i think we all should be proud and applaud him instead of belittling him.
Anonymous said…
Samaher & Anoosa: Look at from the point that he is a point who is young smart and has the skills to stand in front of this crowd and show him self with confidence. I am sure not all of us have this in us. So we should be proud of him.

A Journal Entry: same here :)

Anonymous: I agree :)

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