I was so lost on the weekend that didn't even realise it was Girgai3an till after 12AM someone rang the door bell. I was busy doing some work on my laptop that all I expected was it must be some food delivery guy ringing the wrong house bell. I opened the door to see cute young teenagers standing in front of me. Then all of a sudden I hear a voice '3endek Girgai3an'. Without giving it a second thought I said 'La' and closed the door then opened again and asked them if they wanted some juices. They said yes...I ran to the kitchen got some juices and came back passing each one with their choice of KDD's Mango, Strawberry, Pineapple....All I could hear them screaming was Aby Manga ...Aby Haleeb kakao ;P It was one hell of experience dealing with the kids and especially when kids of my area are not the normal kids ;)
Overall it was fun and missed my old days...
Overall it was fun and missed my old days...
Happy Girgai3an!
Kids r kids.... very naughty!!!
Hehehe :)
Hw u doing buddy?
Problem is all my old friends have left the country or changed jobs ...
Grey: Its the same for me :/
Another-Penelope: you want some? ;p
Aurous: bad for you dr ;p
His Sweetheart: they are cute and extremely naughty!!
Candy: yes :)
Addictioneer: true...
good thinking.. juice is good for them in this hot weather =)
i mean..u cant even eat an orange without slicing it up n getting ur hands dirty..its much easier to juggle oranges than to eat them :P!
lol@the kid who wants 7aleeb kakao :P thats so funny :P