
A few days back I went to Maki with 'M'. It was first time for me to visit a Japanese restaurant. Let me tell you that I am more of a burger person. I never try new dishes in food and usually stick to what I always order. I have never had prawns or shrimps or sushi. But that day it tasted good till I later knew what I was eating.
What happened is we entered the restaurant and I didn't hold the menu or read anything inside it. 'M' knew what was to be ordered and the order was placed. The rules were I would not be placing the order or looking in the menu and when the order arrives I should eat without asking questions. As I have never eaten any of these dishes before I didn't know how they look or taste like. I was quiet nervous to be honest as I didn't know what I will be chewing once the order arrives. It was odd to eat even when the order arrived and it was all good and tasty till I knew at the end what I was eating!!! I kinda fell sick knowing that I was eating prawns and few other Maki dishes and I don't recall their names now.
Overall wasn't as bad as I thought. How can it be bad when you have a great company ;) I would definitely give it another try some time again.
Bel3afya dear ;)
by the way i did the same thing with one of my friends .. took her there i ordered so many dishes .. and never let her ask what is this or that .. i told her eat o keep quiet LOL .. she ended up beging me to take her there again LOL and memorizing the dishes lol
hey Amu try the creamy lobster tail next time .. and dont say no .. try it 1st then say what u want ;)
aham shay the one who accompanied u,will make u forget the taste =D
bel hana 3ala ur heart..
I personally wouldn't mind living on that kind of food :D
Glad you enjoyed it.
CrazyCat: you girls are evil ;p and the idea of lobster makes me sick ;/
Candy: thanks :)
Miss-Informed: I liked it but I don't know when will I go next :)
oh and what was your fav. dish?
first time in japanese restaurant.. its the best :)
Its really good. But why dont you like prawns or shrimps, etc?
i havent tried proper japanese food either..theres just somthing about eating RAW food thats putting me off...hmm i shud give it a go!
I had a Japanese friend visiting me; she fell in love with the fish market in Mubarakiyya. We had two other women with us who were almost throwing up at the smell, but my friend took about 75 photos of all the different kinds of seafood available.
I stick the the cooked stuff, now. I used to eat all the raw stuff, but it is risky. Glad you trusted "M" to introduce you to a wonderful new world.
ĐǻñĎõøðñ: tell me about it!! but sometimes u just gotta try it..
ZeZe: OCTOPUS ---- NO WAY...I cant stand thats scary ;p
Anonymous: Thats what I have been doing now for the past few months :)
Kazeh: thanks!
Bloggerista: I think it was all cooked...and I liked the salad dont rem the name though :D
Another-Penelope: go and eat then what are ya waiting for? ;p
ZoN: Allah ye3afeek :) and welcome back..spill the truth what happened to ur blog!
The Extravagate: OH I so like u for keeping sushi out of the menu ;p
This Lady: The idea of eating prawns and shrimps usually gives me a strange feeling so never tried it!
angel face: Allah ye3afeech...
desertpalms: Allah ye3afeech...I think u should give it a try u might like it..
intlxpatr: WOW thats different.. I seriously till today cant stand the smell of fish market in Mubarkiya..It makes me sick!
glad to hear you liked the food Maki is one of my favorite restaurants. "Bel3afia"
my treat...:)
oo ashwaa enna fe a7ad 3'airii is a burger person, cuz 3adii 3indii at3'ada oo at3shaa burger!
cuz i picked a random number mn el menu lol (4 years ago)
i think i should go there with some one who knows what to order lol
bel3aaafyaaaa Ameer :)
u r right . the company is what count . 7atta lo ma63am hindi , it would still tast awesooome ;P
would never try Asian food though =$
i like it when one is able to yit7ada nafsah and tries stuff! =)
just go ahead and try it ;P
now i'll steal 'm' from ya :P
but japanese food ROCKS !
I love Maki;)
i miss maki sooooooo much
o 3laikum bl 3afya :)