A Quiet Afternoon

I wanted a place where I could spend sometime relaxing and reading newspaper. I went from cafe to cafe and as its 3eed and nearly every place is crowded, I finally wanted to give my last try to The Coffee Bean which is across Al Seif palace. To my luck it has been the most relaxing place to park Edge and have an ice blended coffee.
Posted from Nokia E71...
glad to see you're not pms-ing any more!...;p
i really like quiet places which is rare 2find these days : /
Eid mubarak =)
P.Anon: well now you know where to go next :)
Zuzu: thanks :)
Zara: so you gonna give me a big eye now :D
Eid Mubarak to you too :D
Sham3at: glad I am not part of visiting the family ;p well you can have a relaxing one tomorrow :)
and yeah the crowd is one of the reasons i hate eid in kuwait every where i go there has to be a crowd of people!!;p
and hope you have a great eid!!;p
Zara: no I dont want to share ;p I want to have both...you got your own one :D
Looks like nobody likes The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf ;p
this 3eed was very very boring
WEEL LOOK EID STINKS BEST ADVICE FRO SMALL SIS IS too stay home for three days then you can leave home!! eid makes me sick!!;p heheheee
i loooooove their ice blended mocha
I like to pull myself into a quiet place and just give myself some quiet therapy.. and time alone :)
true it was very quiet..
its actually TOO quiet hahaha