Kuwaiti Women

I got this email as a fwd and as most of my readers are female I thought of sharing with you. You have to read this and decide how true it is. From the gossips that I have heard I think its more or less true :D

ليش بس بالكويت بالمطعم البنات يطقطقون انجليزي يعني غصب نعرف؟؟

ليش بس بالكويت لي اسألو البنت امج من بنته؟؟ قامت تناقز من الفرحة وتقول هياا ابيخطبوني؟؟

ليش بس بالكويت البنات لما يسوقون ما يوقفون حق المطبه؟

ليش بس بالكويت البنات يطلعون تراجيهم من الحجاب والرقبه ولا ننسى القذله، واللبس حدث ولاحرج؟؟ ليش متحجبه؟؟

ليش بس بالكويت البنات بالمتوسط تلبس كعب، وبالثنوي تحف حواجبها، وبالجامعه مايصير تطلع من البيت الا بمكياج؟؟؟

ليش بس بالكويت اللي تتزوج تسوي استقبال، واللي تولد تسوي استقبال، واللي تسوي عملية استقبال، وحج استقبال،.

.. باقي بس لي كحت تسوي استقبال؟؟

ليش بس بالكويت البنت لي البست شي شاريته من المعلم وقالولها حلو من وين؟ تقول

: والله شاريته من بره الكويت؟؟

ليش بس بالكويت البنت اللي تلبس جناط تقليد لي اسألوها عن السعر تقول والله يايبينها لي هديه ؟؟ عبالج ما ندري ان تقليد!

ليش بس بالكويت اللي عنده كايين إذا ولد عباله البنات كلهم زايغيين عليه ، واذا بنت تصير مغروره؟؟

ليش بس بالكويت اللي بيتها بصباح السالم لي اسألوها تقول بيتنا بالضاحية، وماتكمل الباجي؟؟

Note: With this post I get 30000 + hits! Hurray...!


5roofa said…

ambiii i have 2 say it

its soooooooooooooooo true :p

even the bag part lool

waay i hade so much fun

thanks dear

Fajorie™ said…

3ajeeeeb el post and yes it is true lel2saf ;p

ليش بس بالكويت البنات لما يسوقون ما يوقفون حق المطبه؟

hehe thats me ;p
Anonymous said…

m6aba part is sooo true !!

I never notice them !!!
Shwaish said…
welll no comment hehe
Anonymous said…
5roofa: you are welcome :)

feminist: that means next time I see a car with a lady in it and not stopping at a m6aba thats u :P

cat: be careful when driving :)

princess: cuz its all true,hehe
Fajorie™ said…
it could be :P
laish la2 :P
SwaRwaR said…
Well, I think this happens in most Gulf countries =)
Anonymous said…
feminist: everything is possible when it comes to women :D *ops there are too many women here ...shhh*

swarwar: yea I guess more or less...welcome here :)
Anonymous said…

ليش بس بالكويت البنت اللي تلبس جناط تقليد لي اسألوها عن السعر تقول والله يايبينها لي هديه ؟؟ عبالج ما ندري ان تقليد

I have a cousin chethe wil moshkila raf3a 5ashemha fouuuuuuug
Gee™ said…
ليش بس بالكويت اللي بيتها بصباح السالم لي اسألوها تقول بيتنا بالضاحية، وماتكمل الباجي؟؟

LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL .. la la ana 3adi agolha kamla ;Pp
Journal Entries said…
i have to admit enny i do the ma6abah thing!

hhehe waaay 7jab bu tarachy gets on my nerves!
Fajorie™ said…
bel thab6, la twadi nafsik eb dahya, tra bdgeega y9eer inqlab eb your blog :P
Anonymous said…
harlow: I am glad I cheered u up :)

gadeer: hehe well u get 1 mark extra on that :P

a journal entry: welcome here :) I guess more or less every girl does the m6abah thingy :P

feminist: I dare u :P
Balqees said…

the guy elli katbha marrah 7a8ed 3al kuwaity girls

ya 7raaaaaaaaaaam

Anonymous said…
congratulations :*

Anonymous said…
lool el m6baa 9ej ;p
el baji li2anhom hailag lol ma yn6ab8on 3al kel ;/
MiYaFuSHi said…
In all honesty, most of this is news to me.
Big Pearls said…
I read them carefully and analyzed them...il7amdilla none apply to me;)
Anonymous said…
haha funny.. although i have no clue, but that was funny :)
Anonymous said…
Loool! generalization is a bitch, but yeah most of it is true... It comes with the society I guess!
(a7la shay the mo3alim comment!hehehehe)
Amethyst said…
I only do the speed bump thing;p
Anonymous said…
LOL... sha3abna ifashil :/
Technogal said…
LooooL I loved the last part ---> '6a7ia he he :)
Anonymous said…
no translation ;) im missin the fun :D
Cocoamour said…
I heard it was true .. Reality hurts ;)
Anonymous said…
feminist: we will see friends :P

balqees: looooool

Anon: cheers sis :p

zi-one: all u girl are same when it comes to m6aba :D

miyafushi: hehe u never heard about this :P welcome here :)

big pearls: welll your says it all you are big pearls :D

zamahreer: :)))

amethyst: majority of girls doo that :P

likeairillrise: what cane we say :P

technogirl: hehe I have heard that alot of times but different area names :D

orinjina: whats the full form? :D

grey: mmm its a long one to translate :)

cocoamour: it hurts big time...
Anonymous said…
3la swalef 7afalat leste8bal,

rfeejat ommy zoujha tewafa, fa g3adt bl bait ayyam el3edda. b3dain 3gb ma 5ale9aw, sawwolha este8bal!!

so mo bs elke7a :P
Ruby Woo said…
Hahaha.. Oh and out of the 30000 hits, 29000 are from me ;p
J o u j a™ said…
hi there again ;p
they locked my blog again :S

so that would be my new one
and i copied that Tag 3ala shan you do it ;p
bb q8 said…
amu! what ever it says, i totally agree!;)
Banat! Shame on u! Dont be quick to accept negative things about u without questioning it......

9era7a the majority of the things mentioned are things that u can find in women worldwide...mo bs ilkuwait, il shay ilwa7eed ily sij bs ykhi9 il kwaitiyat o yimkin ilkhalejiyat ihya salfat ilistiqbal.
Anonymous said…
dandooon: I wont say anything :P

ruby woo: I agree...its all cuz of u :P

feminist: OHHHHH...you again :P I thought u quit...hehe...WB :D

bb_q8: mate..we men are always right :) how's ur vacation going?

delicately realistic: loooooool....Shame shame shame on u all girl..how can u accept ur weekness so easily...you forgot ur feminist :PpP welcome here :)
Anonymous said…
Hey when I buy cheap stuff... I FLAUNT IT!! LooL...!!
I always say YUP its cheap... you want me to take you to get something similar... e7im e7im... !!

But the majority of it is true... cuz .. yeah ... ana i never slow down at ma6aba :$
kella met2a5er said…
LoooooooooooooooooooooL..dude, it worked xD

Im glad I didnt post it ;p blogik 9ar 3afsa o 9ra5, LooooooooL

And the funny thing the girls elly ygooloon: ana bas elmo6abba, hahahahaaaaaaaaaa..its soooo obvious that you do more, otherwise you wouldnt deny the rest and just mention the "the cute dumb blonde mistake style" of going over the speed bumbs, LoL

Amu..congrats, you did it!!

*KM shakes Amu`s hands with a satisfaction smile*
Charmbracelet said…
loool soo true !! bss bilq8 !!-noonie
Anonymous said…
Laish bs bil Kuwait people love mockery and if they can't mock anybody they mock themselves?

Solve it, Amu!
Anonymous said…
hamitaf: hehehe no excuses now :P

KM: it had to work,hahahaha :D cheers mate :D

noonie: I know :P

ruby: y shall I solve it ? :P
Ms. D said…
hhhhffffttt... i hafta restate my theory again!!

men r jealous!!

and theyre even worse cuz they try to impress those girls ;D
PaLoMiNo said…
7adaa untrue!

o etha yn6beq 3ala cham bnya, that's 7oreya shakh9eeya..

o b3deen 3ala golat il mathaal ;p "KAIFI KUWAITI" ;p

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