Stop Quitting...

How much does it effect us when a blogger quits??

I haven't completed a year in this blog sphere but I have seen so many bloggers quitting or disappearing.

Personally I feel sad about it because all the bloggers on my blog roll now or before have become part of my daily routine. There is something different in their blog that I have always liked and directly or indirectly you get used to hearing from them every now and then.

Like I have set of blogs that I check at different times of the day knowing that there will be something new to hear from them today. At times I might not post a comment but I am always around them.

Another blogger has quit today...It makes me feel its a sphere where people when quit they are dead and no more part of this world. Will each one of us doing this one day?


Shayouma said…
Ohhh I love savage Garden!!!

I totally agree.. there's this connection between bloggers.. Not sure what but it's something..

Who quit?!!!

I think yeah, we will do it one day..
Anonymous said…
they come and go :)
Big Pearls said…
I am very attached to blogging in the present time. There are certain blogs which, like u, I had to check everyday. Maybe even few times a day. I am not planning to quit anytime soon but I think this day will come at one point. We never know.
Amethyst said…
Madry, we're a society. It affects us;\
eshda3wa said…
it feels like loosing a friend!
OutOfReach said…
yeah I feel the same way though i'm new here but your right it becomes part of our daily routines uhh some of them are close to my heart even though i dont really know them yet i'll be sad when one of them quit ...
Silver said…
I guess people just get caught up in their own lives and don't have time to blog. If they are really part of the blogsphere then they will come back. Who knows, maybe one day you will feel the need to quit ( But i really hope u dont!)
Anonymous said…
nice song, shakhbari :P

and I was about to post about this issue, allah ysame7hom I miss Zia, bs ham ma3thoreen =/
Anonymous said…
outkasty: you heard me well I soo miss Zia too, she is on tp of my list ...I just dont know why she quit!
Lala* said…
It's just that life can get SO BUSY sometimes :-/
Hasan.B said…
El meshkila ina he is one of the funniest bloggers!!!
Anonymous said…
every time i inter ur blog i feel im in the back to the future machine..back to the 90's..;p

u make alot of us older wrinkly ppl happy with the memories ;))
Anonymous said…
You inspire me to choke myself of my inertia caused due to laziness and to write on blog.

~ Soul
kella met2a5er said…
Amuuuuuuu, Im quiting!! LoooooL J/K

You will get used to it =)
SouS said…
its sucks when bloggers disappear from the face of the earth without a trace...!:P (unfortunately i did that)
but sometimes, we have to re arrange our priorities...
even bloggers are human!
great song by the way!
Nooni said…
i have had to change my blog 5 times :P and in every time i announced that i quit but until my readers shower me with their e-mails i realized i can't do it.. 3eeb :)

As for other bloggers.. kil wa7ed lah qe9etah .. allah yesa3edhoum .. i hope they dont tho..

it is really sad when a dearest blogger quit
Anonymous said…
I love blogging... I don't think I want to quit... i love to talk and this my blog is the only place where people actually listen to what I am saying!! (or read what I am saying)... and I love reading blogs... it definately has become a daily routine... !!
Anonymous said…
I am not thinking of quitting as of yet, are you?
Anonymous said…
lala: few minutes in a week doesnt hurt I guess,,,but you cant force people!!

hasan.b : am I? I hope its in good way!! :)

pink: I lost your blog address :s I need it again please!!!

soul: hehe thanks :D

kella: you better not who will ride with me this summer? :P

sous: I agree with you sometimes we have to rearrange our priorities!!

juddy: I have done that twice too :D

hamitaf: me too I love it

ruby: maybe one day..u never know!
No3iK said…
hehehee .. its funny and sad .. ive been blogging for two years now .. and 80% of my blogger friends quit or dissapeared .

i used to hate it but then i got used to it ..

as for me as an old blogger, i would never quit or delete my blog .. it is true that sometimes life takes us away from blogging, but this only means u need a break .. u dont need to quit .. most bloggers miss blogging later on .. and come back.

i took a very long break when needed .. and now slowly im returning .. i believe our blogs are our homes on the internet :)

and u simply can never leave home.
Ammaro said…
thats it! i cant take it! i quit too!

hehe, but serioulsy, some people are on this blog thing to see what its like, they enjoy it for a while and then decide, ah khalas... bored of it... others enjoy it, and keep doing it... but you see all the time there are blogs dying out and new ones coming out... so youll never have enough of them :) dont worry
Whatever said…
Agree with no3ik,, blogs are our online homes. I even had a ktichen before but I stopped blogging my dishes when I didn't have time to cook =D
Life gets busy, I quit for a while but after a very short while I decided I'm not quitting for good, I missed blogger and decided to pick my life up and sort things out and then return to blogging.
G said…
I sometimes wonder if people who announce their "resignation" do it 'cause they're full of themselves or out of genuine concern for their readers.

As with real life, people come and go. Some are more difficult to part with than others.
Mariposa said…
I heard you on this...what is more when you are left hanging as to what happened to them because they just suddenly got quite. There is one blogger whom I dearly missed...though she said told us that she might be gone and not sure when she'll be back...I still get worried for her for some reasons...
powder said…
well i was never a fan of blogging , now i am and maybe 1 day i wont be n then quit :P
I agree.. Even though I once did it, but I know better now, why leave people with what ifs? Give a reasonable answer to why you have to leave, lie if you have to.. Never pick up and leave..
I have a problem with letting go of people, bloggers,friends, or family.

Bloggers are family in a way arent they? Friends for sure.. they [ in some cases] know the real you, that most other people dont..

Hmm (;
kella met2a5er said…

Afa 3alayka bas....cham amu fee ;p
Navy Girl said…
life always goes on ... its sad .. you will miss them .. bs life goes on ..
Missy said…
who quit blogging? :p
Anonymous said…
Who quit?
I am having difficulty of late to blog 1. because i am spending more time with my family
2 . I made a promise not to use office Pc for blogging.

But thanks to the google reader i get to read.

WHo quit?
Anonymous said…
missy and grey: A blogger who is a very special person to me decided to quit and I will get them back soon :)
hollibobolli said…
I would say if you really like a blog - take time to leave them a comment. Comments aren't necessary, but they make people who get lots of hits feel less... examined? paranoid? googled?

I would go nuts if one of my blogfriends disappeared without a word, but I have most of their phone numbers.
Anonymous said…
i dont have a blog bokarsha ;pp
i think u r mistaking me for the british kuwaitia b6n w '6hr :))
Anonymous said…
hollibobolli: welcome here ... I know what you mean !

pink: ana bokarsha now :? you dont wana be in bad books :D get a blog girl?? what are u waiting for christmas,hehe
Anonymous said…
my life is too crazy to blog it..i will have to update it every sec....better to just read normal ppl blogs like urs ;)
Anonymous said…
pink: its ok we all have such lifes..jump in and join the club :) which other blogs do u read?
Anonymous said…
i read the intresting blogs only.u got some of them in ur blog roll ;)
Anonymous said…
pink: glad you are enjoying it here :)

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