Hit Me...

The disaster strikes with the bad weather...

I am so grumpy today and I have to admit nothing I have done today since morning was good.

First thing in the morning I think of changing my routine and plan for a different day. wow the weather was so dusty. Still saying look at the positive side of the day Amu I head to starbucks in Palms which is so not me. The flippin guy spills hot coffee on me and just walks away with a sorry!! I was nearly jumping. I never drank warm drinks in my life and it feels boiling hot when that liquid touches your skin!!

Second after starbucks on my way to office I am cursing at every driver that is a pain in the a$$ on the road.

Third was driving in the emergency lane for no good reason which I never do and got stopped by the police. My stupid reason 'I am sorry my stomach hurts badly'. He looked at my face and said go but don't kill people on the road.

Fourth I argued with my employees and wanted to fire one of them.

and finally I just think its not my day :$

Hope you all are having a better dusty day?


Anonymous said…
all what happens comes in a package with the dust :)
its also batteries included
Big Pearls said…
Ooooh I hate dust, the only good thing I get from it is a quite day at work since patients prefer staying at home! Cheer up, I hope the day ends better than how it started my friend:)
Anonymous said…
My dusty days are similar. I hate the dusk.
Big Pearls said…
Oh Amu..your music player..I can listen to it all day..such a nice taste:)
Amethyst said…
A better day, but not a good one;p
Anonymous said…
ihamad: hehe yes its all in package :)

big pearls: but i am sure the next day is busy when the patients get sick and coming running to u,hehe

ruby redux: welcome here..and ya tell me about it :/

big pearls: thanks for liking it :) you want me to prepare a CD for you..
Anonymous said…
Amethyst: the dust is never good :)
Glitter said…
I stayed home, in my comfortable PJs, watching some of my favourite shows..
It was a fun, relaxed day :)
OutOfReach said…
not my day too :S
planing to spend the rest of the day at home watching my shows too :P tuesday home night...
I hate the dust too everything i touch is dusty , my hand is dry all the time this is annoying :S
but cheer up "the weather is going to be good in the weekend" said the weather man :D
Navy Girl said…
actually i kinda loved it today ... bs seriously that cop just let you go ??? your sooo lucky lol :d
kella met2a5er said…
Damn, shal3afsa..ana inba66at chabdy wana agra your post!!

When I usually have days like that, the best thing to do is riding..crazy ride..mo tetmasha, la Im talking about CRAZY crazy riding..elly lamma t5ali9, t7es enna:damn..did I just do that!!? yep that kind of riding..BUT, since tha damn weather elyoom `3baar, we cant do that DO WE??..
F@#k that man, I hate it when its `3bar...I so F@#KING hate it!!

Sorry, I got carried away eshwayya =)

My day was a dull day, nothing interesting, it started after dwam, When I came back and I saw my kids and my lovely wife, before that...it was just another stubid dusty day!!

Allah y3eenik ;p
Anonymous said…
u have employees that u can fire ??
amu stop and smell the roses!
today was ok not that bad :D
Kaileena said…
Lesson of the day: Stick to your routine!
Hasan.B said…
I had a good sunny day. Thanks for asking!
Big Pearls said…
oh Amu thanks a lot for offering:)
Anonymous said…
my office has no windows =/
Unknown said…
it just got better when i listened to the song on ur page ^^ i love it...

nice new look btw :D
G said…
I got pulled over by a cop today too!!!

Anyway, take it easy...this too shall pass.
eshda3wa said…
u need a long shower
and a goodnite rest
Nooni said…
first of all .. beautiful layout and interesting profile.. i hope you don't speed in non racing roads.. we really don't want to hear about another speeding death. "allah ya7fithik"

Dust.. its natural coloration :P .. my color is white , shall i send you a bit?
Shwaish said…
oh sorry man abt ur day, mine sorta sucked too! speaking of firing ur employees, my boss gave me "firing power" yesterday only to tell me that i cant really use it as often as i please, he said i saw the twinkle in ur eyes miss showg, dnt go all fire happy :(
Anonymous said…
glitter: lucky u :P

outofreach: the weatherman :D can we ask him when will it snow next? hehe

navy girl: hehe, my sis said the same too why are u always lucky :D

kella met2a5er: Oh I am sure it must be a good day with family...I miss riding I went to Suzuki to check the B king...I am in love with that bike. Its a peace of art..

cat: yes cuz I am self employed :D

orangina: I smell dust on them too :/

kaileena: thanks teacher :D

hasan B: welcome here :) sunny?? how?

big pearls: welcome :D

outkasty: how can you breath in a cell??

vixen: thanks :) I lost your blog address :s

ge&b: did u get a ticket for that?

eshda3wa: I think I need to visit Spa Time :)

judy abbott: thanks for liking it..we usually drive fast after Fahaheel which is usually quite :)

Oh please I need a surgery too *jk* :D send me some ? :p welcome here!

princess: hehe maybe they can expect anything from you :)

Fourme: whats good about it? :/
No3iK said…
lol sorry i had to laugh ..
they say if one day starts badly .. it goes on till the day is over . so becareful there ..

the "my stomach hurts so badly" excuse usualy girls use it all the time! so coming from a guy .. that must of been something! hehehehe im glad he let u go .. the new traffic tickets prices are crazy ..

inshalah tomorrow will be much more better :)
Anonymous said…
The weather is a disaster... and my allergies are acting up.. my throat is soar and I have a massive headache...
I know exactly how you feel man!!
Its one of those days that you want to be at home.. under the covers... and eating ice-cream!
Ansam said…
I have been struck with the bad mood bug! arghhhhhhhhhh! I need to travel LOL
FourMe said…
You being miserable brings joy to my heart :p
Mirror Polisher said…
See, all that happened coz you don't like dust :D :D Make your amends with dust like me and your day will start off well.
Navy Girl said…
i'm not lucky at all by the way !
Anonymous said…
1.30am and i was here... hope you are feeling better now!

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