At the airport!!

I hold my ears, I bend on my knees I am not travelling to any third world country in future...

With all the bad experiences I have faced in the last one week and more was waiting for me at the airport.

At the airport I just wanted to go and sit in the departure lounge that is how desperate I was to leave this country.

At the luggage check in counter the guy asks me to go and get a passport copy. @@ Considering all my past travels in mind I have never been asked this question before!! Why here??

At the immigration I was relaxed that this is the final fucked up place and el7emdella I am over it. No it wasn't the lady there asks me to stand in front of the camera and she wants to take my picture.

After the immigration they nearly raped me by asking me to take off all my clothes as the stupid scanning machine kept on sounding. And what was it at the end my trouser had a small button!!

Then my laptop bag didn't have a baggage tag. The luggage check in counter didn't advice me that I had to carry on one so I had to walk all the way back to the counter and get a tag and come back again to get my laptop scanned.

& finally I am in the departure lounge.

8 more hours and I am back home...

Cant wait to have that feeling back in me that I am back home.


Ra-1 said…
I faced the same thing in Berlin airport last month, they made me cry :/ I hate them!
bissalama inshalla :)
Anonymous said…
Where in the world are YOU!!!
Allah e3eenick... oo yalla the worst is over.... :)
Missy said…
enttaaaa wain raye7!!!!!
Big Pearls said…
where did u go? 7amdilla 3al salama:)
Enigma said…
where the hell r u?
Silver said…
i know where u are;p o Alla ysa3dik, yalla wer waiting for ur big return!!;)
Anonymous said…
U'l be there pretty soon buddy, regarding u don't go there for self enjoyment but u go there for others, who are ur own. So better u come in terms with me country!
Anonymous said…
I can't believe that they actually strip-searched you! I definitely am not going there ever.
eshda3wa said…
7mdela 3al salama

wain kint?
SouS said…
well.. now you have an experience to brag about if nothing more..where did you go?
hope you got home safely..
Glitter said…

You have now a good story to tell abt where u've been, and why you went there in the first place..

Can't wait!
Anonymous said…
im trying to figure out wer r they torture u? some itrogation under bright light? ;)
Anonymous said…
OMG! hathaa wain???
FourMe said…
Damn! where the hell are you Kandahar ?
Nooni said…
have a safe trip..
i didn't know there was a more worse third world country than ours.

about the security part, LOL, i always get in trouble with security, sometimes i thing they want to do an MRI to see whats in me LOL !

we probably have a crime like featurs :P
Anonymous said…
All of you: I was around India, Pakistan, Srilanka and Bangladesh :) I don't want to spoil it for you as one of you might want to visit it in future.
Shayouma said…
waw really? I think if you go there, you should know someone to go everywhere.. my mum went to india last year and she loooved it! but my parents were invited by a family..
Anonymous said…
shosho: I guess you are right we need to have someone with us who can show us around!! but I guess it wasnt meant to be a fun trip!
Anonymous said…
And i thought you were in Australia ... muhahah dude ! its not only you ... Its common for me to get mugged by airport officials in Bombay ... its kinda stupid out there...

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