
I am not back (according to me :pPp)!
But this post had to come for Anonymous...I don't know Who is she? Where is she from? But she is someone who knows where I am and What am I doing every day? With so much care and love which I don't want to let go. With over 200 msgs in my Inbox everyday and the first one to comment on my last post...She knows my work she knows my obsession for speed...She knows everything about me! She misses my blog like all the others!
I would just like to say her that you coming into my life as a stranger and bringing me happiness which I don't know how to thank you for is a breathtaking moment for me.
And to all the Blogsphere friends a very Happy and Blessed New Year :)
Wish u a happy new year inshalaa! :)
Happy new year!
same to you ;)
We'll be watching for your return! I hope it won't be long!
nice to see you a new post :)
wow secret admirer too how interesting!
happy new year speeeedo
Grey, Ansam, Outofreach, amethyst, vixen, deema: same to you :)
shoush: ya trying to know who she is :P same too you!
perfecty: enshallah I will pray :D
navy girl: lol..Have a nice new year:)
Intlxpatr: thanks..You have a great new year too...And hope to see you soon :)
oeanjina: laa mako time and space for that,hehe..same to you..have a great new year!
secondly, i hope you have a fantastic 2008!
ooo i want a secret admirer too!!! pray for me ana ba3ad :P
loya: this is kinda the last post :)
anonymous: :@ I am ur admirer and I dont know who you are? what u do? where are u from? lolll
Happy non-anonymous New year to you!
nice blog .. keep it up .. :)
nunu: ay shy :/
oranjina fadira: enshallah :)
fourme: lol