Thursday Riddle - Can you solve it?

What force and strength cannot get through, I with a gentle touch can do.

And many in the street would stand, were I not a friend at hand.

What am I?


Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Reem B. said…
yeah .... i'm also thinking you're a key :P
Anonymous said…
what is the prize!
Anonymous said…
chikapappi: mmm the prize is 'ice cream' for you if your answer is right :P ok ?:)
Anonymous said…
:D the answer IS right...
Anonymous said…
I think people googled the answer

Anonymous said…
blue dress: I feel the same too but its ok :) atleast they did put some efforts or you never know they might have come across it before :) any ways congrats palforce and Chikapappi :D
Pearls said…
ana agoooooooooooooool... MO6REGA :D eheheh (ghaseb ya3ni ghala6 :$ )
Anonymous said…
Pearls - I think you should change your nickname o don't get offended honey bas there's another blogger, who's been there longer than you. - people get confused when they see your replies! Hell I did!

Try to add something to it - 7arakat at least if you like it that much & hope you consider my 6alab :)

Navy Girl said…
ummmmm dude can i cheat meny wela mank ? :P
Anonymous said…
pearls: mmm don't worry I am gonna get all of you next time, will get up here the most difficult riddle :)

same here I get confused sometimes :) but its ur identity if you like it then keep it :D

navy girl: go ahead its your day to cheat :P
Navy Girl said…
yalaaaaaaaaa 3yal bsr3a mail me the answer ;P

la ma7d shaf :P
Anonymous said…
Navy Girl: I trust you on that *the answer is KEY* ok :)
Navy Girl said…
a7m okay shhhh

is it the KEY ??? :P
Anonymous said…
NO dumboo its Mofta7 :@ got it now :P
Navy Girl said…
anaa dumbooooo :( 3adc 7ady i just wana a reason to cry today :'(
Anonymous said…
navy girl: u ok?? can I help you in any way, just add me if you wana share something? o dont worry and dont let ur tears flow for any things that is stupid whether humans or no :)

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