Seven Best Sleeping Positions

I got these pics from a friend and thought of sharing with everyone :) I love the 5th picture, the cats look so cute...


Anonymous said…
oh me God!!! So cute..the 5th one looks like me n me daughter...!!!!heheh
Anonymous said…
All are so cute ... pity to the last one though !
Anonymous said…
I'm not fond of animals but those pictures are so cute!
Anonymous said…
I love the first one. he's sooo adorable!
bb q8 said…
i can't imagine what it would feel like with all the cat hair in your undies... not nice!
Anonymous said…
sis 4 you: you and your daughter...

grey: the last one was given as the best sleeping position :P

cece: thanks :)

blue dress: I love the pics but I can never have any animal in my house.

bb_q8: not necessary, you can remove the cats from there and imagine yourself sleeping in one of these ways :)
Aisha said…
the one with the teddy bears cute.
cuuuuuuuute....the thirs one looks like my cat...last one naughty naughty...hehehe...nice pics.
Navy Girl said…
7ady i wana a cat !!! they are sooo cute !! :D how do you sleep :P like the that kitty on the roof :P
Anonymous said…
palo girl: they all look so cute :)

sugar free sweetie: you have a cat?? I just like them in pics

navy girl: learn how to race first then when you win I will get you a cat :pPp
Navy Girl said…
is that a bet ??? hun i'm sure i'm gonna beat you up !! i got this plan :P yala where is my cat :D
Reem B. said…
LoooooL cute pics amu... It's almost my bedtime now so looking at these pics is just torture....

Good night! :P hehe

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